Archival Justice

Archival Justice:  Operation Legacy in the Caribbean

This website makes documents taken from the Caribbean (under Operation Legacy) accessible to researchers who specialize in the study of the Caribbean. 

These documents are now housed in The National Archives of the United Kingdom. 

They are listed as the “Migrated Archives” and are part of  the FCO 141 series.

The work being done is ongoing.

As documents are processed, brief descriptions will be released and copies of the documents will be made available online in accordance with copyright law.

How do I access the Archive?

To use the archive you must first register on the website 

There is no cost to use this digital archive

What documents are in the archive?

The work on this project is ongoing.   As documents are processed, they will be released in the digital archive.

The Migrated Archive (FCO 141) in The National Archives (U.K.) contains over 900 files related to the Caribbean.  The majority of these files are relevant to post-1950.


The sample database (below) provides an example of how the records are organized.

If you would like access to all the records processed to date please click the link below.

This project received support from the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
